Women of PCSD: Hope Fang, Director of Finance

For Women’s History Month, PCSD highlighted the many extraordinary women who guide our charter school partners through the complex facilities development process so our partners can focus on what matters most – teaching and learning.

How long have you worked at PCSD?

9 1/2 years

How did you get into the field of facility development and education?

I moved to LA after finishing grad school in urban planning. Several people suggested I look into LAUSD’s large capital projects bond program at the time. I started in New Construction and then moved to the Real Estate Department. LAUSD was acquiring and developing sites for a large number of new school construction projects, and I worked as a project manager managing site selection, due diligence, and design for new schools in South LA. After LAUSD, I moved to Long Beach Unified School District’s bond program and worked on major renovations and new construction projects. Then I joined PCSD. I’ve been building facilities for schools for a long time now. Although I got into this career by chance, my background as a generalist in urban planning and design and environmental studies has been helpful in my work.

What advice would you give young women entering this field?

It’s good to have and to work toward a professional goal, but stay open to unplanned career opportunities that may come up along the way.